MALDI-TOF Platform

The VITEK MS is an automated system that uses MALDI-TOF (matrix-associated LASER desorption and ionization, time of flight) mass spectrometry; Developed in 1980 by Karas & Hillenkamp (Germany) and Tanaka et al (Japan) analysis technique allowing the detection and identification of molecules by measuring their “time of flight” (proportional to their mass and their charge) First device marketed in 1991.

In Central Africa, Cameroon and particularly the “ Centre Pasteur du Cameroun” is the only laboratory to have a VITEK MS since 2019.


Centre Pasteur du Cameroun

Category: Proteomics & Metabolomics - Mass spectrometry
Head: Rosanne NGOME
Language: French
Website: Please refer to the contact email to have more information.
Access procedure: Please refer to the contact email to have more information.
Price: Please refer to the contact email to have more information.