Institut Pasteur de Dakar inaugurated the Centre for Africa’s Resilience to Epidemics (CARE)

The Centre for Africa’s Resilience to Epidemics (CARE) was inaugurated on January 19th, 2024, by Institut Pasteur de Dakar, a Pasteur Network member, in the presence of various dignitaries and partners. The opening of this center also marked the beginning of Institut Pasteur de Dakar’s centenary celebrations in 2024.
CARE’s objectives are
- to train the next generation of leaders, decision-makers and actors involved on epidemic fronts
- Promote disease intelligence by collecting, storing and analyzing massive epidemiological data
- Translate epidemiological research into social value by fostering a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship
CARE is also an instrument in the battle against epidemics, consistent with the Institut Pasteur de Dakar’s strategic objective on epidemic preparation, which it shares with the other Pasteur Network members.
On this occasion, the Africa CDC formally certified Institut Pasteur de Dakar as a Center of Excellence in Biosafety and Biosecurity for the West African Region (RCoeEBBS).
Review of the event
- To find out more, read the statement from Institut Pasteur in Dakar.