Bacteriology Laboratory
MALDI-TOF, a mass spectrometry technique used routinely for rapid identification of bacterial strains.
The VITEK MS is an automated system that uses MALDI-TOF (matrix-associated LASER desorption and ionization, time of flight) mass spectrometry; Developed in 1980 by Karas & Hillenkamp (Germany) and Tanaka et al (Japan) analysis technique allowing the detection and identification of molecules by measuring their “time of flight” (proportional to their mass and their charge) First device marketed in 1991.
In Central Africa, Cameroon and particularly the “ Centre Pasteur du Cameroun” is the only laboratory to have a VITEK MS since 2019.
Fiocruz’s Network Technological Platforms
The Mass Spectrometry Facility offers mass spectrometry (MS/MS) analyzes coupled or not with liquid chromatography. The analyzes can provide qualitative and quantitative data on several molecules, with the facility’s main area of activity being ms-based proteomics. The analyzes offered can help in understanding the functioning of biological systems, in identifying markers present in pathologies and as an analytical methodology for quality control in the production of proteins and chemical compounds.
What we offer:
Guidance on experimental design
Sample preparation
Analysis by liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) on the Orbitrap model instruments
Automated identification of compounds (proteins present in the sample)
This platform is located in FIOCRUZ – Paraná.
The Analytical Biochemistry and Proteomics Unit supports biomedical research projects based on mass spectrometry (MS) and proteomics. It also offers training, scientific assistance and access to EM-based proteomic technologies to the local scientific community; and contributes to local and regional education programs in this area.
MALDI-ToF is a mass spectrometry technique used routinely for rapid identification of bacterial strains.
It can also be used to generate reference spectrum databases of bacteria, fungi, mosquitoes and other vectors.
The ChemiDoc MP is an imaging detection instrument for the analysis of electrophoresis gels and Western blots. Applications include chemiluminescence, fluorescence, and colorimetry/densitometry.
Part of the Scientific Directorate Infectious Diseases in Humans.
• Serology platform – ELISA & Multiplex (Bordetella pertussis, toxigenic Corynebacteria, SARS-CoV-2, measles, TB, …)
• Cellular platform – Proliferation assays; T & B cell Elispot (SARS-CoV-2, rabies,…)
• Neutralisation platform – viral pseudoparticles (SARS-CoV-2, measles, mumps, New Castle Disease)
• Molecular platform for protein production (human (re-) emerging pathogens
• Animal platform – in vivo models
Part of the Scientific Directorate Chemical & Physical Health Risks.
Our expertise includes the folding of the synthesized proteins and the determination of disulfide bond patterns when present using proteomic tools (enzymatic digestion followed by mass spectrometry analysis). The secondary structure of the proteins can be studied using circular dichroism
MALDI-TOF MS Platforms includes:
- Autof MS 1000 Autobio Diagnostics and Microflex LRF Bruker Daltonics.