Pasteur International Research Units - PIU
Retour aux coursYou are a group leader or head of unit of the Pasteur Network and you want to implement your scientific strategy, create new scientific synergies or boost the existing ones, apply for the creation of a Pasteur Joint International Research Units (PIU).
A PIU aims at strengthening the relations between up to three international research institution(s) on innovative research topics based on their complementary skills and expertise. Such partnerships should improve the visibility of the research groups involved, offer new opportunities of collaborations and, consequently, their possibilities to apply for substantial grants.
What is a PIU?
A Pasteur International Joint Research Unit (PIU) is a “Virtual Unit” and is:
- for 5 years, renewable;
- composed of a maximum of three partners (research institutes or international universities), of which at least one belongs to the Pasteur Network;
- co-hosted by all its partners Institutions;
- co-financed by all its partners Institutions (min. of 15K€/partner).
Each partner team remains fully affiliated to their mother-institution and will jointly assume the scientific responsibility of the PIU through a group leader identified in the team, named coordinator.
A standardized agreement will frame the implementation of each PIU.
Annual Calendar
Applications must be written in English and submitted online. Incomplete or paper applications will not be considered.
Deadline for submission: à confirmer.
Please refer to the application guidelines and procedure download the Call
Eligible costs:
Within the PIU, each partner institute will support its local group of PIU by an equal funding as defined in the PIU agreement. Raising additional funding from external sources is strongly recommended.
The PIU budget can be used to cover mobilities between the partners, scientific communications, consumables, technical services and small equipment (max. 2000 €). Management costs are not eligible
Selection process
The Pasteur Network with the Institut Pasteur is responsible of the PIU selection process.
Each application will be reviewed by a dedicated expert panel. The final decision on selection (and financing of the IP parties) will be made by ranking of the received applications during the panel meeting and validated by the executive management of the Pasteur Network. Institut Pasteur will take part of the validation for selected proposal involving it as partner.
Candidates will be notified in due course.
Selection criteria
- The opinion of each partner institute directors;
- The relevance of the project to the scientific strategies and priorities of the partner institutes;
- The scientific merits of the project including pertinence, originality, feasibility, the adequacy of the proposed budget for the two first years of the candidate PIU. Are particularly important:
- the complementarity between the partner teams;
- the contribution to the development of new skills;
- the potential impact of the projected outcomes on the partner institutes;
- the promotion of cooperation with local, regional and international teaching and research institutions.
- The quality of the founding consortium and of the group leaders (CV, post doc, Scientific production, research contracts…).
- For renewal, the PIU coordinators will have to argue the added value of the PIU and how an additional 5 years will be beneficial.
For mor information, please contact the Responsible of the programme.