Pasteur Network Annual Meeting 2022
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The Pasteur Network Annual Meeting, co-organized with the Institut Pasteur in Italy – Cenci Bolognetti Foundation, took place at the Sapienza University in Rome from 28 to 30 November 2022. The theme of this year’s meeting was “The Start of a New Chapter”, reflecting the recent development of the network while aiming for a more inclusive and participative governance. It was an opportunity for directors, scientific directors and all researchers from to network to exchange their collective objectives and to forge future partnerships and collaborations.
Presentations and photos from the event are available below. Further details regarding the event are available at the meeting’s official press release.
Speakers and Presentations
All information regarding the speakers of the meeting is available at the Official speakers’ leaflet.
Day 1 – Keynote speaker
The miracle of COVID-19 vaccines and the trillion-dollar gap > Prof. Rino Rappuoli
Talent Awards
Dr Norosoa Razanajatovo, from the Institut Pasteur de Madagascar is the winner of the 2022 Pasteur Network Talent Award. Read the article about the Ceremony and Dr. Razanajatovo’s presentation to know more about it.
Day 2
Session 1: Preparedness and Response to Outbreaks: Lessons and course of actions for the Pasteur Network
- Lessons learned from MonkeyPox > Emmanuel Nakoune
- Lessons learned from COVID-19 > Leo Poon
- Suggested key steps for strong and efficient global Pasteur Network preparedness and response to outbreaks > Ridha Barbouche
Session 2: Manufacturing and Strengthening the R&D Ecosystem
- Importance of anti-venom production in the Pasteur Network > Christophe Peyrefitte
- Building autonomy and promoting access to human vaccines through local manufacturing in Africa > Amadou Sall
- Strategic State Institution for Health > Savino Wilson
Plenary Session 3: Working better together
Sub-plenary 1: Focusing on science
- Brainstorming in the Pasteur Network > the role of the COS PN and Scientific Committees >
Anna-Bella Failloux - Collaborative science with the Institut Pasteur > Fernando Arenzana-Seisdedos
Sub-plenary 2: Improving opportunities within the Network
- G4 leaders – return of experience and ways forward & Mobility in the Pasteur Network >
Lawrence Ayong & Tineke Cantaert
Sub-plenary 3: Mutualizing Technological Resources
- LAB+: from exceptional research at Institut Pasteur de Montevideo to world-class start-ups >
Carlos Batthyany - Integrative Bioimaging Hub at Institut Pasteur de Montevideo: a new Research Infrastructure hub in South America > Alejandro Buschiazzo
- Overview of the Institut Pasteur Centre for Technological Resources and Research and of MOSBRI, the European Molecular-Scale Biophysics Research Infrastructure > Patrick England
- Institut Pasteur Korea’s technology platform accessible to Pasteur Network translational research > Regis Grailhe
- “Bioinformatics and Applied Genomics Unit”: A Versatile High-Throughput Sequencing and Single-Cell Genomics Platform > Timokratis Karamitros
More photos from the event will be available soon.