Pasteur Network Annual Meeting 2022

06 December 2022  |  Golan Cohen

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The Pasteur Network Annual Meeting, co-organized with the Institut Pasteur in Italy – Cenci Bolognetti Foundation, took place at the Sapienza University in Rome from 28 to 30 November 2022. The theme of this year’s meeting was “The Start of a New Chapter”, reflecting the recent development of the network while aiming for a more inclusive and participative governance. It was an opportunity for directors, scientific directors and all researchers from to network to exchange their collective objectives and to forge future partnerships and collaborations.

Presentations and photos from the event are available below. Further details regarding the event are available at the meeting’s official press release.

Speakers and Presentations

All information regarding the speakers of the meeting is available at the Official speakers’ leaflet.

Day 1 – Keynote speaker

The miracle of COVID-19 vaccines and the trillion-dollar gap > Prof. Rino Rappuoli

Talent Awards

Dr Norosoa Razanajatovo, from the Institut Pasteur de Madagascar is the winner of the 2022 Pasteur Network Talent Award. Read the article about the Ceremony and Dr. Razanajatovo’s presentation to know more about it.

Day 2

Session 1: Preparedness and Response to Outbreaks: Lessons and course of actions for the Pasteur Network

Session 2: Manufacturing and Strengthening the R&D Ecosystem

Plenary Session 3: Working better together

Sub-plenary 1: Focusing on science

Sub-plenary 2: Improving opportunities within the Network

Sub-plenary 3: Mutualizing Technological Resources


More photos from the event will be available soon.