
Pasteur Network is developing a new dynamic and structuring logic. The new governance organisation has been designed to represent more effectively all the members of the Pasteur Network, facing together the major challenges of the 21st century such as the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic.

Ten years after the creation of the association in 2011, the organisation of the Pasteur Network evolves towards a more participative and balanced governance as well a new, more structured, economic system.

The association (formerly named Pasteur International Network) is changing its name to Pasteur Network keeping its role of legal representation of the Network. The association is also updating its legal statutes and a new financial body is also being created: a sheltered foundation at the Institut Pasteur (1).

The Pasteur Network organisation

The association

It represents the Pasteur Network and assist its members creating, implementing and coordinating research projects amongst them. The association also ensures the organisation of regional and inter-regional interactions.

The Foundation

Sheltered at the Institut Pasteur, the foundation contributes to the Pasteur Network’s development through capacity building and infrastructure-strengthening activities. 

As a Network, with members located in 25 different countries, the association and foundation share a unique name and brand. “Pasteur Network” represents its members Pasteurian values such as humanitarianism, universalism, rigor and dedication, freedom of initiative, knowledge transfer and free access to information. 

To know more about the new governance: read the press release of 09 July 2021 “The Institut Pasteur International Network is evolving and becoming the Pasteur Network.

(1) The new governance was adopted on Tuesday 8th June 2021 on the Extraordinary General Assembly of the Pasteur International Network association and the 53rd Council of Directors, which was previously  presented and approved on June 4 at the meeting of the Institut Pasteur Board of Directors.