Grants and Fellowships

Pasteur Network supports people from the Network’s community to train and reinforce their scientific skills throughout their career. Through training, facilitated by numerous programmes, they ensure their long-term commitment to serving populations.

A commitment to knowledge
Training is core to the Institut Pasteur’s strategic plan, reason to finance some programs from the Pasteur Network. Accessible to students as well as seasoned researchers and technicians, training and capacity building actions take place in different structures from the Network.

Taking the form of internships, courses, thesis funding but also seminars given by researchers and specialists from the Pasteur Network, these programmes contribute to strengthen skills of scientists from the Pasteur Network

PhD opportunities

Pasteur Network PhD Grants

The Pasteur Network, in collaboration with the Institut Pasteur, propose an international call for new doctoral positions, providing unique opportunities to talented young scientists.

Doctoral Grants Calmette & Yersin:

These program allocates funding to researchers that would like to do their thesis within the Pasteur Network, outside metropolitan France. All information is available in the C&Y PhD webpage.

Post-doc Grants

Pasteur Network Post-doc Grants:

The Institut Pasteur through the Calmette and Yersin Post doctoral Grants will support up to two (2) new postdoctoral positions for the Pasteur Network, providing unique opportunities for talented young scientists to join dynamic research groups to conduct their research in strategically located institutes.

  • Please verify all criteria and conditions here.

Open opportunities

The Inter Concerted Pasteurian Actions (ACIP in French) and Transversal Research Projects (PTR in French) are annual calls for projects initiated by the Department for Scientific Programming and Incentive Actions (SPAIS) of the Institut Pasteur dedicated to Pasteurians from the Pasteur Network. This initiative is part of the Institut Pasteur Strategic Plan, having as ambition to encourage scientific collaboration. For more information please consult the incitative programmes’ webpage.

Programme Calmette & Yersin: Internships and study Grants
This programme support students, researchers and technicians for short-term internships as well as long-term programmes such as doctoral and post-doctoral thesis. To know more about these grants, please visit the Calmette & Yersin dedicated webpage.

Grants “Fondation Pierre Ledoux Jeunesse Internationale”:
These programme offer grants to French students that would like to continue their academic development at one of the Pasteur Network’s members’ institutions. The programme offer grants for internships on biomedical research. More information is available here (only available in French).

Women Fellowship in San Francisco for the Pasteur Network

This fellowship is sponsored by the Institut Pasteur – UCSF QBI Center for Emerging Infectious Diseases. Guidelines, terms and conditions are available here.