Legal Notice

1. Legal notice

This information concerns all the sections and subsections of the Pasteur Network’s website.

Publication Director

Amadou Sall, President of the Pasteur Network association.

Stewart Cole, General Director of the Institut Pasteur.

Editorial managers

Juliette Hardy, Head of the International communication, International Affairs Department at the Institut Pasteur in Paris.
Paola Pino Unti, Digital International Communications Manager, Pasteur Network association.


Association Pasteur Network

Legal name: Pasteur Network, association under the French Law of 1901.
Address :
Institut Pasteur
25-28 rue du Dr Roux
75724 Paris Cedex 15 – France

2. Website’s objective

This website is intended for all audiences, especially the scientific community. Its purpose is to present the activities of the Pasteur Network, in France and internationally, its commitment to research, teaching and public health.

3. Content

The information and elements of this site are provided for referential purposes only. All or part of the information and elements published on the site are provided as is, without any guarantee of any kind, express or implied, and in particular without this being limiting, of availability, accuracy or completeness.

Hypertext links

The Pasteur Network association declines all responsibility for websites with a link to or from that of its website.

This site may contain links to other websites. These links are inserted for accessibility purposes only, and the Pasteur Network association assumes no responsibility for the content of the sites. Access to these sites is the exclusive responsibility of the user.


The user is informed on the Privacy Policy webpage that, during the visits to the site, cookies or tracers can be installed automatically on his browser software.

For more information on the cookies use and your options to oppose its registration. See page Privacy Policy page.

4. Liability

The Pasteur Network association cannot be held responsible for any direct or indirect damage resulting from the use of all or part of the elements of the site or from the use of information available on this site.

In particular, the Pasteur Network association cannot be held responsible for errors or omissions presented by and or available on the site or by any referenced document. The information presented on the site is non-contractual and subject to modification at any time. The content on the site is regularly updated.

The Pasteur Network association does not guarantee in any way that the functions presented in the site or access to the site will be guaranteed without interruption and without error, or that the site or the server which makes them available are free from any virus and other hazardous components.

The responsibility of the Pasteur Network association cannot be directly or indirectly retained, for any reason and or context whatsoever, in the event of an interruption of service on the site motivated by maintenance operations or by the behaviour of users of the site; in the event of inaccessibility and / or in the event of inability to use the site by any user of the site, in the event of damage to equipment of any form whatsoever, loss of data, when connecting to the site .

For any irregularity noted on the site (damaged link, omission, errors, etc.) The Pasteur Network association thanks you for reporting it by filling out the contact form.

5. Personal data processing

Collection and use of personal data

The Pasteur Network association may collect personal data when you visit its website. Some of the personal data recorded on these sites are either those that you voluntarily provide when you fill out online forms (cf. 5 b), or those collected automatically (cf. 3 b).

The user recognizes however, that he/she is solely responsible for the choice of the use, the transfer, the consultation of the data and the use of the online services offered by the association Pasteur Network for which the responsibility cannot be engaged in any capacity whatsoever. The user recognizes the characteristics and limitations of the internet.

Data protection

In case of subscription to a service offered (newsletter, contact form, etc.) by the Pasteur Network association on its websites, the data collected concerning you (name, first name, addresses, contact details, etc.) is used solely for the achievement of the purpose to which you have consented to the Pasteur Network association and its possible third parties who comply with the data protection requirements resulting from the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the European Union.

The Pasteur Network association guarantees:

  • that no personal data is collected without prior information to the user,
  • that said information is not transferred to third parties except organizations having third parties managing its websites (applications for stock exchanges and international prices, etc.).

For more information or to exercise your rights of access, rectification, opposition and, where applicable, your rights of portability, limitation or deletion, you can complete the contact form.

6. Medical information

The information on the websites of the Pasteur Network association does not in any way constitute medical information. Internet users wishing to have information of  medical nature must request an appointment with a health professional.

7. Copyright and intellectual property

All the elements composing this site are subject to French and international legislation on copyright and more generally on intellectual property. All reproduction rights are reserved, including iconographic and photographic representations. Subject to third party rights, reproduction of the texts on this site is authorized for any strictly private use, on the express condition that the source is mentioned (©Pasteur Network association).

All images and/or photos on this site are also protected by intellectual property rights. These images or photos may not be duplicated or used without the written permission of the photo library service of the Institut Pasteur in Paris and the Pasteur Network association. Any request for use, of any kind, should be sent to:

Any reproduction or total or partial representation, any modification and any alteration of the trademarks of the Pasteur International Network association and its partners as well as of their logos appearing on the site, without the express authorization of the Pasteur Network association, are prohibited within the meaning of Article L. 713-2 of the Intellectual Property Code.