
Pasteur Network has more than 30 members based in 25 countries worldwide. The members are structures, with or without legal entity status, which have been established by either the Institut Pasteur or other organisations and which, to varying degrees, cover the Pasteur Network’s four core missions and uphold the Pasteurian values.

The members are grouped geographically into four major regions to facilitate the development of regional or worldwide projects and collaborative activities.

As a network, members share technological platforms, scientific knowledge and work together for scientific excellence. Collaborations can take place through technological exchange, training and courses as well as grants and funding for the development of professionals in the scientific community.

Pasteur Network membership provides many benefits, including:

  • Access to funding for collaborative projects.
  • An “Official relation with the World Health Organisation”. To know more, read the official press release.
  • Access to the Pasteur Network international courses (organization or sending students).
  • Technical platforms exchange and collaborations.
  • Regional meetings and follow-up.
  • Joint programmes, access to platforms, Network solidarity in the event of a crisis, etc.
  • Access to the Institut Pasteur’s teaching and training activities.
  • Pasteur Network meetings: directors’ meeting, thematic meetings, etc.
  • Pasteur Network Scientific Symposium.
  • Elector and eligible to the “Institut Pasteur Assembly“.
  • Career tracks and scientists’ professional development: Calmette & Yersin program, G4 initiative, Fondation Pierre Ledoux.

You can have further information, please visit the Member’s governance or visit the What we do section.

All Network members are presented below.

Centre Pasteur in Cameroon

The Centre Pasteur in Cameroon (CPC) is a technical establishment of the Cameroonian Ministry of Public Health; endowed...

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Institut Pasteur de Bangui

The Institut Pasteur de Bangui (IPB) is a research non-profit foundation. The IPB has an agreement with the government...

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CERMES is a public scientific and technical establishment in Niger and it has three missions: Research, Public Health...

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Institut Pasteur de Côte d'Ivoire

The Institut Pasteur de Côte d'Ivoire (IPCI) is a national public establishment created in 1972. Placed under the...

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Institut Pasteur de Dakar

The Institut Pasteur de Dakar (IPD) is a non-profit foundation of public utility, dedicated to promoting public health...

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Institut Pasteur de Guinée

The Institut Pasteur de Guinée is an independent Guinean public institution that was founded in September 2015. As...

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Institut Pasteur de Madagascar

Created in Madagascar since 1898, and a member of the Pasteur Network, the Institut Pasteur de Madagascar is a private...

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Institut Pasteur d'Algérie

Created in 1894, the Institut Pasteur d’Algérie first mission was the management of rabies. In December 1909, it...

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Institut Pasteur du Maroc

The Institut Pasteur du Maroc is a public institution with civil personality and financial autonomy, under the...

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Institut Pasteur de Tunis

The Institut Pasteur de Tunis is a public health institution under the authority of the Ministry of Health. The...

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INRS - Armand-Frappier Santé Biotechnologie Research Centre

The INRS–Centre Armand-Frappier Santé Biotechnologie Research Centre was created in 1998 when Institut...

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Institut Pasteur de la Guadeloupe

Created in 1948, the Institut Pasteur de la Guadeloupe (IPG) first devoted its research to leprosy and bilharzia,...

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Institut Pasteur de la Guyane

The Institut Pasteur de la Guyane has been in Cayenne since 1940 and works in four areas: research, supporting public...

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Institut Pasteur de Montevideo

Located in the capital of Uruguay, the Institut Pasteur de Montevideo (IP Montevideo) is dedicated to scientific...

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Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ)

The Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz) is a prominent institution of science and technology in health in Latin...

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Institut Pasteur de São Paulo

The Institut Pasteur de São Paulo is a private, non-profit association, founded on March 31, 2023 by the Institut...

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University of Hong Kong -Pasteur Research Pole

HKU-Pasteur Research Pole (HKU-PRP) was created in 2000 through the joint initiative of the University of Hong Kong and...

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Institut Pasteur de Nouvelle-Calédonie

The Institut Pasteur de Nouvelle-Calédonie is a leading partner of the Government of New Caledonia, to develop...

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Institut Pasteur du Cambodge

The Institut Pasteur du Cambodge is a Cambodian non-profit research institution. Operating under the high patronage of...

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Institut Pasteur du Laos

Institut Pasteur du Laos is a Lao National Institution created by Prime Ministerial Decree in November 2007. The...

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Institut Pasteur in Ho Chi Minh City

First funded in Saigon by Albert Calmette in 1891, the Institute was moved to Ho Chi Minh in 1979. In 1891, this was...

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Institut Pasteur in Iran

The Institut Pasteur in Iran was founded in the heart of the Iran's capital, Tehran in the 1920’s to pave the way for...

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Institut Pasteur in Nha Trang

The Institut Pasteur in Nha Trang was founded in 1895 by Dr Alexandre Yersin, remembered as the first scientist that...

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Institut Pasteur Korea

The Institut Pasteur Korea was established in April 2004 in collaboration with Institut Pasteur in Paris and the...

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National Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology

The National Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology in Hanoi (NIHE) was founded in 1924. The principal missions of...

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Institut Pasteur

Founded in 1887 and based in France, the Institut Pasteur in Paris is an international research institute of excellence...

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Hellenic Pasteur Institute

Established in 1920, the Hellenic Pasteur Institute (IPH), is private and non-profit organization supervised by the...

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Institut Pasteur de Lille

Created in 1894, the Institut Pasteur de Lille is a private non-profit organisation since 1898. With its 800 employees,...

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Institut Pasteur in Italy – Cenci Bolognetti Foundation

The Istituto Pasteur - Fondazione Cenci Bolognetti is a private non-profit foundation established in Rome from the...

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Saint-Petersburg Pasteur Institute

The history of the Saint-Petersburg Pasteur Institute dates back to 1908, when the first serodiagnostic and...

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Sciensano is the Belgian institute for health. We focus on the close and indissoluble interconnection between human and...

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Stephan Angeloff Institute of Microbiology

The Stephan Angeloff Institute of Microbiology was founded on March 7, 1947 by Prof. Stephan Angeloff, Member of...

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