
Institut Pasteur

Founded in 1887 and based in France, the Institut Pasteur in Paris is an international research institute of excellence with a mission to advance science, medicine and public health.

The Institut Pasteur is a private, non-profit foundation with recognized charitable status entrusted with four core missions of public interest – Research, Education, Public health and Valorisation of scientific research via technology transfer and industrial partnerships.

The Institut Pasteur’s scientific strategy is built on strong support for outstanding basic research that is primarily curiosity driven. The work covers a broad range of research fields including microbiology and infectious diseases, immunology, neuroscience, developmental biology, genetics and cancer.

The Institut Pasteur and the Pasteur Network are actively involved in infectious disease surveillance, working closely with national and international health authorities. In addition, the Institut Pasteur Medical Center, which specializes in travel medicine, provides unique opportunities for cooperative research on infectious diseases and vaccination.

Each year the teaching centre welcomes almost 500 students from 60 different countries with a wide range of backgrounds, including Masters and PhD students, postdoctoral fellows, researchers and healthcare professionals.

For more information, visit the Institut Pasteur in Paris official website.