Pasteur Network - The association

The association assists its members creating, implementing and coordinating research projects amongst them. The association also ensures the organisation of regional and inter-regional interactions.

The association Pasteur International Network has recently evolved changing its name to Pasteur Network while also updating its legal statutes to represent the Network.

The Pasteur Network association has two governing bodies, the Board of Directors and the General Assembly as well as a Scientific Committee.

Board of directors

The Board of Directors determines the annual strategy, approves the budget for current and new activities and sets goals and objectives to be presented to the General Assembly.

The Board of Directors is convened twice a year followed by a General Assembly once a year.

The Board of Directors is in charge of monitoring resolutions and operations. It is composed of 11 members:

  • President : chosen from the regional representatives.
  • Vice-President: will be the President of the Institut Pasteur in Paris.
  • 7 representatives from institutes throughout the world.
  • 2 co-opted external members.
  • Amadou SALL, Institut Pasteur de Dakar.
  • Yasmine Belkaid, Institut Pasteur.
Regional Representatives

The term of office for elected representatives is two years and is renewable once.


  • Amadou SALL, Institut Pasteur de Dakar (President).
  • Noel TORDO, Director of the Institut Pasteur de Guinée.


  • Carlos BATTHYANY, Director of the Institut Pasteur de Montevideo.
  • Mario MOREIRA, President of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ).


  • Leo POON, Co-Director of the University of Hong Kong -Pasteur Research Pole.
  • Philippe BUCHY, Institut Pasteur du Laos.


  • Christian LEONARD, Director General of Sciensano.
  • Abderrahmane MAAROUFI, Director of the Institut Pasteur du Maroc.

External Members:

  • Isabella OYIER, Kemri-Wellcome Trust.
  • Linda VENCZEL, PATH.

General Assembly

The General Assembly is held every year in November and is mandatory for all members. During this meeting, the directors discuss and analyse the progress of current projects, and approve training activities, funding for the following year and the financial and activity reports for the current year.

The General Assembly is also the opportunity for members to present and propose new activities as well as regional and global initiatives and collaborative actions.

Scientific Steering Committee

The Scientific Steering Committee of the Institut Pasteur International Network is tasked with developing the strategy and setting standards for the scientific development of the Pasteur Network’s activities.

The committee is responsible for consolidating the Network’s position and establishing it as a global public health authority. For further information, you can read the Pasteur Network’s scientific strategy.

Management and Financial Reports

Administrative and activity reports are made public to insure transparency and accountability of financial affaires, general assemblies and board meetings.

To have more information on the management and financial reports, contact us.

Office Team

The association’s office is based in France, hosted at the Institut Pasteur in Paris.

Should you need any information about the association or the office team, please complete the contact us form or visit their dedicated Member’s section.