
Institut Pasteur du Maroc

The Institut Pasteur du Maroc is a public institution with civil personality and financial autonomy, under the administrative supervision of the Ministry of Health. It is entitled to exercise the functions of an industrial pharmaceutical establishment, according to Law 17-04 on the Code of Medicine and Pharmacy, which assimilates it to an industrial pharmaceutical establishment.

The IP Maroc, leaded since September 2018 by Professor Abderrahmane Maaroufi, has the following missions:

  • Investigation, expertise report or analysis related to Public Health.
  • Public Health research.
  • Contribution to teaching and coaching in Public Health.
  • The production and import of serums, vaccines, ferments and other products of biological origin needed for human medicine.

The activities of the institute are grouped into three poles:

1- Public Health:

  • Support for epidemiological surveillance and disease control programs; specialized medical biology tests;
  • Preventive medicine benefits: vaccination and advice to travellers, rabies seravaccination, vaccination and workplace screening;
  • Microbiological, toxicological and chemical analysis and control of water, food and the environment and,
  • Public health research and education.

2- Import activity and distribution of sera, vaccines and biologic products:

  • Import and distribution of serums and vaccines.
  • Production and distribution of reagents and growing media.

3- Strategic management and support.

For more information, visit the Institut Pasteur du Maroc official website.