Institut Pasteur de Bangui


A list of all staff working in the unit
Sandrine MOUSSA
Emmanuel NAKOUNE
Director of the Institut Pasteur de Bangui

Technical specificities

Find out the institute's technical specificities



Public Health

Institutes' actions and tools to support Public Health


Epidemiological Surveillance

Influenzavirus, Hepatitis E virus, Yellow fever, Measles (Poliovirus, Rubulavirus, Morbillivirus), Lyssavirus

National and international technical expertise

National and international technical expertise

External Quality Control in Tuberculosis

WHO Collaborating Centers

Hemorragic Fever (Ebola & Marburg)

National Reference Laboratories recognized by WHO

Arboviruses, Rabies, Flu, Monkey Pox, Rugeole, Rotavirus

Regional Reference Laboratory


International vaccination centers

International vaccination centers

BCG tuberculosis, Euvax B Adult and Infant, Avaxim Hepatitis A, Dultavax DTP, Menomune A/C/Y/W135 Meningitidis, Pentaxim Pentacoq, Pneumo 23 Pneumococcis, ROR Measles, Rouvax Rubela, Stamaril Yellow fever, Tetavax, Tetraxim DTCP, Typhim Vi typhoid fever, Verorab Rabies

Rabies treatment

Rabies Vaccination Center

Health Care Services to local populations

Health Care Services to local populations

Antenne de l\'Institut à Mongoumba in service for RDC and Congo (Rep.)

Medical Biology Centers and Laboratories

Medical Analysis Laboratory

Counselling and Testing

HIV and Viral Hepatitis

Diagnostic tests

Test for all mentioned pathogens + National Covid Center

Access to Cohorts and HDSS (human demographic service system)

Access to Cohorts and HDSS (human demographic service system)

Yes, partnership with the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Livestock and Ministry of the Environment.

Affiliation to hospitals

Affiliation to hospitals

Hôpital Communautaire de Bangui, Hôpital de l'Amitié de Bangui, Complexe Pédiatrique de Bangui

Support for national and international health programs

Support for national and international health programs

Collaboration with the Centre international de Recherche Médicale de Franceville and the Ecole doctorale en infectiology tropicale de Franceville (Gabon)
Director: Yap BOUM II
Scientific Director: Emmanuel NAKOUNE
Year of establishment: 1961
Type: Private foundation
Global staff: 110
Support staff: 110
Address: BP 923, Angle Avenue de l\'Indépendance x Rue Pasteur, Bangui, CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC
Phone: 00 236 2161 0866
Some information is only available in French, please excuse the inconvenience and contact the institute should you need specific information.
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