Institut Pasteur de Côte d'Ivoire


A list of all staff working in the unit
Mireille DOSO
DIrector of the Institut Pasteur de Côte d\'Ivoire

Technical specificities

Find out the institute's technical specificities

Archives Division

Multimedia Library

Centre de numérisation des documents



Public Health

Institutes' actions and tools to support Public Health



Surveillance Biologique et environnementale des maladies transmissibles

Epidemiological Surveillance

Surveillance integré des maladies et leur riposte: Poliomyélite Dracunculose Tétanos Néonatal Lèpre Trachome Choléra Méningite Fièvre Jaune Rougeole Dysenterie Bacillaire Fièvres hémorragiques virales (Virus Ebola) Peste Grippe Paludisme Diarrhée < à 5ans Infection Respiratoire Aiguë <5 ans Tuberculose Onchocercose Schistosomiase Infections Sexuellement Transmissibles VIH/SIDA, Trypanosomiase Filariose Lymphatique

Biological Surveillance

Confirmation des cas; Suivi des maladies, Études des isolats, Bio collections

National and international technical expertise

National and international technical expertise

Existence de 20 Centres Nationaux de Reference

National Reference Laboratories recognized by WHO

Laboratoire Inter pays Poliomyélite, Laboratoire Rougeole, Gonococcies, Avian Flu

Regional Reference Laboratory

Laboratoire rougeole, poliomyélite, arbovirus et fièvre jaune

Health Care Services to local populations

Health Care Services to local populations

Prestations de services dans le domaine humain, animal, environnement et biologique

Medical Biology Centers and Laboratories

Institut de recherche integrant plusieurs laboratoires de biologie et un centre de prise en charge des PVVIH

Counselling and Testing

HIV infection, Hépatites

Diagnostic tests

Réalisation des tests et leur évaluation

Access to Cohorts and HDSS (human demographic service system)

Access to Cohorts and HDSS (human demographic service system)

Investigation center of persons living with HIV infection

Affiliation to hospitals

Affiliation to hospitals

Centre hôpital universitaire, centre hospitalier regional, hôpital general

Support for national and international health programs

Support for national and international health programs

Expertise national et international dans le domaine de la biologie
Director: Mireille DOSO
Year of establishment: 1972
Type: Public Institution
Address: 01 bp 490, Abidjan 01, COTE D'IVOIRE
Phone: 00225 22 005 829
Some information is only available in French, please excuse the inconvenience and contact the institute should you need specific information.
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