RT-PCR Platform (Amazonas)

Fiocruz’s Network Technological Platforms.

The RPT-09-G subunit provides the equipment StepOnePlus™ and Quant Studio 5 (Thermofisher). Both thermocyclers with a detection system that uses LED lighting to detect four or six color channels respectively and are calibrated to operate with fluorophores: VIC®/ JOE™, ROX™, FAM™/SYBR® Green, TAMRA™/NED, or similar. In this way, the following tests can be carried out: SNP genotyping, gene expression analysis, microRNA expression, detection of genes, viral load analysis, and other absolute or relative quantitative assays. The following services are available:
a) Receipt of ready-made qPCR reactions using the TaqMan® methodology or similar fluorophores: VIC®/ JOE™, ROX™, FAM™/SYBR® Green, TAMRA™/NED or similar).
b) Receipt of ready-made qPCR reactions using the SYBR® Green methodology or similar.
c) Technical-scientific advice to assay design and interpretation

This platform is located in FIOCRUZ – Amazonas.



Category: Genomics & Transcriptomics - Sequencing & Analysis
Head: Felipe Gomes Naveca
Contact: felipe.naveca@fiocruz.br / plataformas@fiocruz.br
Language: English/Portuguese
Access procedure: Please contact the platform team
Price: valdinete.nascimento@fiocruz.br