The objectives of the Sheltered Foundation are to:


In order to meet its objectives, the Sheltered Foundation may notably:

The founding agreement of the Sheltered Foundation has been concluded by 2 parties: the umbrella foundation (Institut Pasteur) and the Sheltered Foundation (its founder members, i.e. members of the Network and the Association).

It has been specified that the Sheltered Foundation is to be composed of members of both the Network and also the Association, in order to ensure effective interaction between both structures which missions are complementary.

A founder member may be any natural person or entity (with or without a legal personality) making a contribution to the initial fund of the foundation and duly joining the Association and adhering to its values. Accordingly, the Institut Pasteur, the Pasteur Network association and the 32 members of the Network (in addition to the Institut Pasteur) as of the signing date of the agreement will be founder members of the Sheltered Foundation.

The President of the Sheltered Foundation is the President of the Institut Pasteur as of right. The President may not be removed. The President chairs the Management Committee and Executive Committee.

Management Committee of the Sheltered Foundation
The Management Committee is composed of Pasteur Network directors or equivalent functions who are members of the Institut Pasteur International Network and founders of the Sheltered Foundation.

Executive Committee of the Sheltered Foundation
The Executive Committee of the Sheltered Foundation has ten (10) members broken down as follows:

With the exception of the two members as of right and the Vice-Chair, the members of the Executive Committee are appointed for two years. They may be renewed for one further term and may be removed with just cause by a two-thirds majority of the Executive Committee; any member subject to proposed removal may not take part in the vote.

Executive Director
The President of the Sheltered Foundation appoints an Executive Director on the advice of the Executive Committee.

Strategy Committee of the main patrons and contributors
A Strategy Committee may be created by the Executive Committee. It is composed of the main patrons and contributors. It advises the Executive Committee through its opinions and recommendations.

As the Sheltered Foundation does not have a legal personality, it cannot have any employees. Any personnel dedicated to the Sheltered Foundation will be assigned or recruited by the founders or seconded by the umbrella foundation and be charged to the Sheltered Foundation at actual cost.

In order to meet its objective of enhancing the capacities and infrastructure of the Network, the Sheltered Fondation will strive to increase the funding available to the Pasteur Network.

To this end, the Sheltered Foundation may: