Inauguration in Brazil of the Institut Pasteur de São Paulo, member of the Pasteur Network
On March 27, 2024, the Institut Pasteur de São Paulo was inaugurated by French President, Emmanuel Macron. As a member of the Pasteur Network, this institute, founded by the Institut Pasteur and the University of São Paulo, conducts international-level research in the field of health biology to further understanding of diseases and their impact on human health, especially in the context of climate change. The inauguration ceremony was hosted by Paola Minoprio, the Executive Director of the Institut Pasteur de São Paulo, and brought together a high-level delegation, including Yasmine Belkaid, President of the Institut Pasteur and Vice-President of the Pasteur Network, and Carlos Gilberto Carlotti Junior, Rector of the University of São Paulo. It was followed by a tour of the institute’s laboratories and discussions between the French President, researchers, students and Brazilian authorities. The inauguration of this structure comes just one year after the Institut Pasteur de São Paulo, a Brazilian private non-profit association, signed its articles of association.
The delegation attending the ceremony also included, Vahan Agopyan, Secretary of State for Science, Technology and Innovation, Marco Antonio Zago, President of FAPESP, Fernando Menezes, President of the Board of the Institut Pasteur de São Paulo, Stéphane Séjourné, French Minister of Europe and Foreign Affairs, Chrysoula Zacharopoulou, Secretary of State to the Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, Emmanuel Lenain, French Ambassador to Brazil, Sylvie Lemmet, Ambassador for Environment for the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs (MEAE), Yves Teyssier D’Orfeuil, Consul General of France in São Paulo, Rémi Rioux, CEO of the AFD, Antoine Petit, Chairman and CEO of the CNRS, Valérie Verdier, Chairwoman of the Board and CEO of the IRD, Elisabeth Claverie De Saint Martin, CEO of the Cirad, Catherine Lagneau, CEO of BRGM, Monique Barbut, President of WWF-France, Sophie Sidos, President of CCEF, Jean-Michel Blanquer, Minister of National Education and Youth from 2017 to 2022, Laurent Linguet, President of the University of Guyane, Anaïs Fléchet, historian, lecturer at the University Paris-Saclay (UVSQ).
The Institut Pasteur de São Paulo is a private, non-profit association, founded on March 31, 2023 by the Institut Pasteur and the University of São Paulo, following a collaboration agreement established in 2017. Based at the University of São Paulo, in the capital of São Paulo, Brazil, on a 2000 m² site within the university campus, the institute houses seventeen laboratories, four of which are high standing biosafety level 3 (NB3/NBA3).
The Institut Pasteur de São Paulo is a member of the Pasteur Network, an alliance of over 30 institutes which plays a crucial role in tackling global health challenges through science, innovation and public health. It is the sixth member of the Pasteur Network in the Americas and the second Brazilian member, along with Fiocruz.
“This ceremony marks the outcome of years of dedicated collaboration with our esteemed partners, including the University of São Paulo, Fapesp, the Institut Pasteur, and the Pasteur Network. It represents a significant milestone not only for our institute but for all the talented teams at the Institut Pasteur de São Paulo, whose relentless efforts have brought our vision to reality since its opening in 2019. Their unwavering commitment, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, has left a mark on the history of our institution.“
Paola Minoprio, Executive Director of the Institut Pasteur de São Paulo, member of the Pasteur Network
“President Macron’s visit to USP for the formal inauguration of the Institut Pasteur de São Paulo represents the international importance of the initiative. Brazilian and French researchers will share laboratories, which will undoubtedly further improve the quality of infectious disease research at USP. Based on the studies developed at the institute, we will certainly be better prepared to face future pandemics. The recent partnership with the CNRS, another important French research institution, is also part of USP’s internationalization policy.”
Carlos Gilberto Carlotti Junior, University of São Paulo (USP) Rector
” Throughout its history, Institut Pasteur has forged strong links with Brazil. The inauguration of the Institut Pasteur de São Paulo confirms our strong commitment to our Brazilian partners, to work in a close partnership for the health of all, both locally and internationally. I thank all the team of the Institut Pasteur of São Paulo, particularly the University of São Paulo and the FAPESP, for their admirable work in building this new Institute in such a rapid pace. Today, to respond to new global challenges, it is essential to study the health impact of climate change and the conditions of emergence of new pathogens. The scientific community must commit itself to a plural and collective approach, through the creation of multidisciplinary and international institutions. The vocation of Institut Pasteur, in conjunction with Pasteur Network, encompassing a strong and long-term relationship we have forged with the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz), has always been to support this humanistic and sharing dynamic in the service of people’s health.”
Yasmine Belkaid, President of the Institut Pasteur, member of the Pasteur Network
“We are proud to celebrate the inauguration of the Institut Pasteur de São Paulo, a cornerstone institution of the Pasteur Network in the Americas. Nestled strategically within a biodiverse region, this institute embodies scientific excellence by harnessing cutting-edge facilities and expertise to tackle urgent global health issues, notably climate change and infectious diseases such as COVID-19 and dengue, which presently afflict this region. By aligning goals with the Pasteur Network, this high-level scientific institute will undoubtedly enrich our collective efforts and advance our mission to safeguard global health.”
Amadou Alpha Sall, President of the Board of Directors of the Pasteur Network
World-class research in Biological Science
The Institut Pasteur de São Paulo develops world-class research in Biological Science on communicable, non-communicable, emerging, re-emerging, neglected or progressive diseases that cause complex immune responses, produce nervous system disorders, and impact human and animal public health.
It has 6 research teams: Integrative Biology; Eco-epidemiology, Diversity and Evolution of Emerging Viruses; Modeling Nervous System Diseases; Trypanosomatid Infectious Processes; Vaccinology; Clinical and Molecular Virology.
The Institut Pasteur de São Paulo, formerly operating as the Pasteur-USP Scientific Platform since 2019, has published over 90 scientific papers, including research on COVID-19 and Zika syndrome to shed light on the pathogenesis of these viruses. It played a crucial role during the COVID-19 pandemic, for example in developing and testing several diagnostic methods for COVID-19.
The researchers involved with the Institut Pasteur de São Paulo share their areas of expertise, infrastructure, and cutting-edge equipment and approach with one and the same goal – to strengthen the development of joint initiatives, develop preventive, diagnostic, prognostic and therapeutic methods in relation to the diseases studied, and promote innovation, technology transfer and knowledge sharing.
More information:
The steps leading up to the inauguration of the Institute
The Institut Pasteur de São Paulo was created after a series of agreements over the 2015-2023 period.
For more information, visit the official Institut Pasteur de São Paulo website
Read the March 2023 press release on the Institut Pasteur website
Pasteur Network website
Press contacts :
Institut Pasteur de São Paulo : Angela Trabbold –
USP : Erika Yamamoto –
Institut Pasteur (Paris) : Aurélie Perthuison and Myriam Rebeyrotte –
Pasteur Network : Juliette Hardy –
The Pasteur Network aims to promote collaboration and knowledge sharing by sponsoring yearly high-level training modules . Three recent courses hosted by members of the Pasteur Network addressed some of its main action pillars : epidemic intelligence and preparedness, research, development and innovation, multi-disciplinary knowledge communities and equitable collaboration.
A first course focused on “Biology of emerging and Neglected Viral Infections in Latin America” took place from April 19th to 28th , 2023 at the Institut Pasteur de Montevideo.
The course, organised by Nicolas Sarute (Institut Pasteur de Montevideo), Nolwenn Jouvenet (Institut Pasteur, Paris) and Sandra Cordo (UBA, AUGM, Argentina), brought together researchers and healthcare professionals from all over Latin America. The main objective of the course was to foster a multidisciplinary exchange on key aspects of the biology of neglected and emerging viruses, with a focus on pathogens with an impact on public health. Topics covered included basic virus research, epidemiology, surveillance, and prevention and control strategies.
This course will bear the name of Professor Otto Pritsch, a recently deceased researcher who played a fundamental role in the consolidation of the agreement signed between the French Cooperation for Latin America, the Association of Universities of the Montevideo Group (AUGM), the Institut Pasteur (Paris) and the Institut Pasteur de Montevideo.
Consult the programme on the Institut Pasteur de Montevideo website
A second course within the context of the SARA (Surveillance of antibiotic resistance in Africa) project, co-financed with FSPi funds of the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, was held at the Institut Pasteur de Dakar from May 22nd to 26th, 2023. It was co-coordinated by the group of Sylvain Brisse (Institut Pasteur) and Yakhya Diye (Institut Pasteur de Dakar). This intensive course brought together 21 participants from 9 different African countries. The course focused on the sequencing and bioinformatics analysis of bacterial genomes. It also enabled participants to strengthen their collaborative network and share best practices in antibiotic resistance surveillance.
To find out more about the SARA course: read the article published on
Finally, the “Immersion in Innovation and Technology Transfer in Biological Sciences and Public Health” course was held from June 26th to 29th, 2023at the Hellenic Pasteur Institute. Over four days, experts spoke about the importance of technology transfer and innovation in the development and manufacture of innovative medical products.
Consult the programme on the Hellenic Pasteur Institute website
By funding these high-level courses and making them accessible to a wide range of participants, the Pasteur Network aims to foster collective action and knowledge sharing, in emerging infectious diseases, anti-microbial resistance and the promotion of scientific innovation.
More information :
List of the courses supported by the Pasteur Network
Pasteur Network contact : Kathleen VICTOIR
Photo: SARA course in May 2023 at the Institut Pasteur de Dakar. Copyright: Sylvain Brisse
Pasteur International Unit Fungal Extracellular Vesicles has been created by the Institut Pasteur, FioCruz – Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Brazil) – two members of the Pasteur Network – and the University of Birmingham (UK). The Pasteur International Joint Research Units are jointly created with two or more research teams, working together within the Pasteur Network.
More information :
- Institut Pasteur article : Creation of the Pasteur International Unit Fungal Extracellular Vesicles
- Fiocruz press release : Fiocruz-Pasteur-Birmingham international unit will investigate fungal diseases
About the Pasteur Network
The Pasteur Network is a vast human and scientific community with more than 30 members in over 20 countries contributing together to global health. Located in the heart of endemic areas, the Network has privileged access to a large number of pathogens that it monitors and studies on all five continents. This exceptional diversity makes the Pasteur Network a unique global actor in public health, science, innovation, and education, especially in the fight against infectious diseases.
On Friday March 31, 2023 at a ceremony in Paris, the Institut Pasteur President, Professor Stewart Cole, and the University of São Paulo (USP) Rector, Carlos Gilberto Carlotti Junior, signed articles of association for the Institut Pasteur in São Paulo, a private non-profit organization under Brazilian law. The mission of the institute, an associate member of the Pasteur Network, is to conduct research in the field of biology that contributes to the development of human health, and to promote outreach, education, innovation and knowledge transfer activities and public health measures.
For more information
Read the press release on the Institut Pasteur’s website:
Photo: Signing ceremony at the Institut Pasteur – © François Gardy – Institut Pasteur

Recently, three new directors have taken up their positions within the Network.
In Canada, David Chatenet has taken over as Director of the Armand-Frappier Santé Biotechnologie Research Centre at the Institut National de Recherche Scientifique (INRS).
In Brazil, following the appointment of Nísia Trindade Lima as head of the Ministry of Health, Mario Moreira, former Executive Director, became Acting President of Fiocruz.
In Korea, Youngmee Jee, has been appointed as the new head of the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency (KDCA). The former Administrative Executive Director, Byungkwon Lim, has taken over as CEO of the Pasteur Institute of Korea.
As the Pasteur Network continues to evolve, it regularly offers new positions to its members. The Network’s job offers are available and can be consulted on the career page.
Some pathogens present asymptomatic forms that complicate the study of their transmission dynamics and their determinants. Researchers from the Pasteur Network based at the Institut Pasteur de la Guyane and the Institut Pasteur (Paris), in collaboration with the Cayenne Hospital, have studied the atypical incidence of Q fever in Guyana. Their work, published in The Lancet Regional Health – Americas, estimates a high risk of infection in the general population. They highlight the important role of livestock in transmission.
Q fever, a zoonosis with limited symptoms
Q fever is a zoonosis caused by Coxiella burnetii, a bacterium that infects a majority of mammals in most parts of the world. Ruminants, the main source of human infection, can excrete the bacteria in calving products, feces, vaginal secretions, and milk. Transmission is mainly by airborne route and is manifested by clinical signs in humans in only 40% of cases. If present, clinical signs are generally flu-like and non-specific, but may sometimes be associated with pneumonia, hepatitis and, more rarely, with more severe symptoms, especially in patients with comorbidities. 60% of reported cases worldwide have been identified during epidemics centered around farms or slaughterhouses infected with the bacterium.
French Guiana, a special case
The French Guiana population has the highest incidence of Q fever in the world. 24% of hospitalized cases of community-acquired pneumonia are attributed to this region. Most of the patients hospitalized came from metropolitan France and lived in the urbanized area of Cayenne and its suburbs. However, the classic risks of exposure (slaughterhouse or livestock in the vicinity) were not found among the diagnosed cases. As no wild reservoir was clearly identified, previous studies considered transmission by livestock to be unlikely.
The atypical nature of its transmission combined with a high proportion of asymptotic cases has made it difficult to understand the epidemiology and determinants associated with Q fever in French Guyana. In order to better understand its transmission dynamics and to orient public health intervention strategies, researchers from the Pasteur Network and infectious diseases specialists from the Cayenne Hospital Center collaborated to conduct a serological survey of 2,700 individuals representative of the different communities in French Guiana.
Domestic livestock as a vector of the disease
The authors modelized serological data classified by age in order to reconstruct the history of the circulation of the bacterium in the different regions of the territory. Their results show a constant circulation of C. burnetii throughout French Guiana with an estimated annual number of cases of 579. 9.6% of the population tested had already been infected and middle-aged men and individuals living near livestock. Analysis of the data identified an epidemic that occurred between 1996 and 2003 in the communes of Remire and Matoury. This epidemic, which infected 10% of the population, explains the high proportion of people carrying antibodies against C. burnetii in the urban area of Cayenne Island.
This collaborative work has made it possible to model for the first time the transmission dynamics of Q fever in French Guiana. The highlighting of the role of domestic livestock in a context of important transmission of the bacterium argues for the reinforcement of surveillance and risk reduction activities in French Guiana’s livestock farms and underlines the interest of a “One Health” approach combining a human, animal, and environmental component.
Serological surveys, essential tools
This type of large-scale serological survey has already been conducted in Bangladesh for dengue and for Chagas disease in Colombia. It allows the study of a wide range of factors contributing to disease control such as pathogen circulation patterns, immunity levels related to vaccination or previous infection or potential areas of emergence. This multi-factorial approach with a very positive cost/benefit ratio (cost of analysis versus amount of data generated/output) is a very valuable tool to promote to public health agencies and authorities.
It is proposed that this methodology could be reused by the members of the Pasteur Network in the framework of a phase 3 of the ECOMORE project involving Cambodia, Laos, Philippines, and Vietnam, in collaboration with the Institut Pasteur in Paris, for which funding is still being sought. Indeed, its use would improve the understanding of the circulation history of a multitude of pathogens (viruses, bacteria, and parasites), representing a public health issue for these countries, and of the epidemiology of their associated diseases in order to propose appropriate interventions to the authorities of these countries.
For more information:
Transmission dynamics of Q fever in French Guiana: A population-based cross-sectional study
The Lancet Regional Health – Americas, October 2022.
Sarah Bailly†, Nathanaël Hozé†, Sylvie Bisser, Aurélien Zhu-Soubise, Camille Fritzell, Sandrine Fernandes-Pellerin, Adija Mbouangoro, Dominique Rousset, Félix Djossou, Simon Cauchemez‡, Claude Flamand‡*.
†, ‡These authors contributed equally to this work.
*Corresponding author.