Experimental bacteriology Unit
The CRB-IPM uses state-of-the-art equipment such as the Microflex Bruker MALDI-TOF (Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption Ionisation – Time of Flight) mass spectrometer and a flow cytometer (cell culture collections to come), as well as its skills in strain typing and bioinformatics to guarantee the identity and characteristics of the strains in the collection.
Fiocruz’s Network Technological Platforms.
The Flow Cytometry Platform (RPT08I) offers immunophenotyping acquisition and analysis services; quantification of intracellular cytokines and cell supernatants, cultures, plasma and serum; cellular dermatology assays. The Platform currently has four cytometers, the CytoFLEX S (17 cores/19 parameters), Accuri C6 Plus (4 cores/6 parameters), FACSCelesta (12 cores/14 parameters) and FACSCan (5 cores/7 parameters). The Platform makes FCAP Array and FlowJo software available to users for analyzing results.
This platform is located in FIOCRUZ – Rondônia.
Fiocruz’s Network Technological Platforms.
The FACSymphony A1 anAnalyzing Cytometer can simultaneously detect 18 parameters, incluing cell size and complexity and 16 different fluorescence. It also has the ability to detect microparticle assays (90nm to 500nm). The equipment has four lasers: • Violet (405nm) Filters: 450/50, 525/50, 610/20, 670/30, 710/50 and 780/60 • Blue (488nm) Filters: 530/30 and 710/ 50 • Yellow-green (561nm) Filters: 586/15, 610/20, 670/30, 710/50 and 780/60 • Red (637nm) Filters: 670/30, 710/50 and 780/60.
This platform is located in FIOCRUZ – SP (Ribeirão Preto).
Fiocruz’s Network Technological Platforms.
Performs FACS-based cell sorting, multiplex flow cytometry and single cell gene expression analysis.
This platform is located in FIOCRUZ – Rio de Janeiro (IOC).
Fiocruz Network Facilities
The Flow Cytometry facility offers multicolor cell analysis, including phenotype, cell viability, proliferation, cell cycle, cell activation and measurement of cytokines. FACSAria III is a digital flow cytometer and cell separator (sorting) with three lasers (ultraviolet -355 nm, blue – 488 nm, red – 633 nm). It has the capacity to analyze up to 11 parameters, including size and granularity. FACSCalibur™ is an analog flow cytometer with two lasers (blue – 488 nm, red – 633 nm). It has the capacity to analyze up to 6 parameters, including size and granularity.
This facility is located at FIOCRUZ – Pernambuco.
Fiocruz’s Network Technological Platforms.
The platform contains two analyzing cytometers and a cell sorter. The CytoFLEX LX (Beckman Coulter) has four lasers (405, 488, 561 and 638 nanometers) and the ability to analyze up to 18 parameters, including size and granularity. The BD FACSCanto II has three lasers (405, 488 and 633 nanometers) and the ability to analyze up to 10 parameters, including size and granularity. The BD FACSAria II is a digital flow cytometer and cell sorter with two lasers (488 and 633 nanometers) and capacity for analyzing up to 9 parameters, including size and granularity. The Platform provides data acquisition services for various types of analyses, including immunophenotyping, cell cycle, viability, apoptosis and necrosis, quantification of cytokines, cell proliferation, avaliation of mitochondrial membrane potential, expression of reporter proteins, among others. In addition to offer cell sorter services by flow cytometry.
This platform is located in FIOCRUZ – Paraná.
Fiocruz’s Network Technological Platforms.
The Flow Cytometry Platform has the following equipments: models FACSCalibur, LSRFortessa, FACAria II, FACSVerse, FACSymphony A5 (Becton Dickinson), Bioplex 200 (Merck and Bio-Rad) ImageStream MK II (Luminex) and Cytoflex S(Beckman Coulter) . They are used in a series of important procedures for carrying out diagnostic and monitoring methods for different pathologies included in the panel of neglected diseases, in addition to being important for expanding the structure available for carrying out large-scale bioassays. The services provided by the Core Facility are: Immunophenotyping, high-resolution multiparametric analysis, data analysis (analysis in the FCAP program, FlowJo, Manager, Kaluza and IDEAS), Cell viability and proliferation, apoptosis and cell cycle, Analysis of cytokines/chemokines and other proteins, profile of immunoglobulins and microparticles and cell separation (sorting).
This platform is located in FIOCRUZ – Minas Gerais.
Fiocruz’s Network Technological Platforms.
Equipment: FACSCanto™ II, with two lasers (blue – 488 nm, red – 633 nm), with capacity to analyze up to 8 parameters, including size and granularity.
This platform is located in FIOCRUZ – Amazonas.
Fiocruz’s Network Technological Platforms.
The Flow Cytometry Platform offers immunophenotyping data reading and analysis services; quantification of intracellular cytokines and culture supernatants, plasma and serum; cell proliferation and cell separation assays or “cell sorting”. The Platform currently has two cytometers, the FACSymphony S6 (19 colors/21 parameters) and the LSRFortessa (11 colors/13 parameters).
The Platform also has a FACSymphony S6 accessory compatible with sorting into plates, slides and tubes, thus offering the isolation/cloning service of populations of eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells, from suspensions obtained from biological fluids, cell line cultures, dissociated bodies and others. It also provides DIVA and Flow Jo software for analyzing results.
This platform is located in FIOCRUZ – Bahia.
This platform offers advice and support to research groups or industry partners, using cell culture and flow cytometry as main technologies.