Molecular Biology Platform (GNS, qPCR)
Fiocruz’s Network Technological Platforms.
The main equipment are: MiSeq and MinION (NGS), QuantStudio5 (qPCR), Bioanalyzer (nucleic acid analysis) and Quibit (nucleic acid analysis). The platform also offers the use of KingFisher (automated nucleic acid extractor), Maxwell (automated nucleic acid extractor) and other accessory equipment necessary for the development of Molecular Biology techniques.
This platform is located in FIOCRUZ – Bahia.
Fiocruz’s Network Technological Platforms.
The IGM Bioinformatics Platform was created in May 2012 and provides bioinformatics services to assist in research carried out at the institutional level. The services offered cover the creation, maintenance and mining of biological databases; analysis of RNA/DNA and protein sequences; training of personnel to use available bioinformatics resources and support for the development of new bioinformatics tools.
This platform is located in FIOCRUZ – Bahia.