Next Generation Sequencing Platform (Amazonas)
Fiocruz’s Network Technological Platforms.
Two types of sequencing technology.
The next-generation sequencing Platform RPT01O, located in Manaus/AM, at the Leonidas and Maria Deane Institute – Fiocruz Amazonia, provides the preparation and analysis of DNA/RNA libraries for various applications, such as genomic or amplicon sequencing, transcriptomics, and metagenomics. It has MiSeq equipment producing up to 15 Gb (gigabases) and 25 million sequences reads, as well as NextSeq, which can reach 120 Gb (gigabases) and 100 million sequences reads.
The Genomic Platform RPT01H is located at the Leonidas and Maria Deane Institute – Fiocruz Amazonia in Manaus/AM. Since 2011, it has had a technical manager and a coordinator. It has a genetic analyzer of the Sanger type, an ABI 3130 model from Applied Biosystems, which allows the analysis of sequences of genetic material fragments (PCR products and plasmids) of up to 96 reactions every 24 hours with a 4-channel capillary, generating between 500 to 900 base pairs. This platform is located in FIOCRUZ – Amazonas. Merge these two, its the same person, its just two types of sequencing tech. which can be specified under one platform
This platform is located in FIOCRUZ – Amazonas.
Fiocruz’s Network Technological Platforms.
The RPT-09-G subunit provides the equipment StepOnePlus™ and Quant Studio 5 (Thermofisher). Both thermocyclers with a detection system that uses LED lighting to detect four or six color channels respectively and are calibrated to operate with fluorophores: VIC®/ JOE™, ROX™, FAM™/SYBR® Green, TAMRA™/NED, or similar. In this way, the following tests can be carried out: SNP genotyping, gene expression analysis, microRNA expression, detection of genes, viral load analysis, and other absolute or relative quantitative assays. The following services are available:
a) Receipt of ready-made qPCR reactions using the TaqMan® methodology or similar fluorophores: VIC®/ JOE™, ROX™, FAM™/SYBR® Green, TAMRA™/NED or similar).
b) Receipt of ready-made qPCR reactions using the SYBR® Green methodology or similar.
c) Technical-scientific advice to assay design and interpretation
This platform is located in FIOCRUZ – Amazonas.