This biobank focuses on:

The Animal Research Lab (ANL) is responsible for designing animal experiment models for various diseases and conducting in vivo experiments to investigate the efficacy of infectious disease vaccines and therapeutic candidates. ANL also conducts preclinical research on animal experiments to evaluate the practical use of the results obtained through basic and translational research at IPK. In particular, ANL establishes new drug candidate evaluation platforms and manages the welfare and housing of research animals.

The Animal Research Lab capabilities/assets includes:

The Medicinal Chemistry team focuses on the optimization of compounds which are identified as effective against target diseases through primary screening.

The areas of activity include:

The Screening Discovery Platform (SDP) provides expertise in the drug discovery pipeline for assay development and high-throughput screening. We have automated Screening Platforms in BSL2+ (Opera Phenix Plus, Operetta CLS, Ensight, Envision) / BSL3 (Operetta CLS, Nivo) to support research activities.

All types of assay models (phenotypic, target, 3D) can be run against our libraries for drug repositioning, new chemical entities, target ID, and MOA assessment.

Development areas: High Throughput Screening, High Content Screening, Small Molecule, Drugs, Functional Genomics, Target ID & MOA, Ai-driven analysis.

Our objective is to create customized, cost-effective tool and instrument utilizing readily available technology to address scientific needs. Once you reach out to us, we will arrange a teleconference meeting to delve into the project. Subsequently, we will engage in an iterative interaction, progressing from the initial design concept to the actual creation of the tool or instrument. This comprehensive approach may span several months to ensure a successful and satisfying outcome

Our platform facilitates the exploration of protein-protein interactions (PPI) within living cells, utilizing a diverse range of high-throughput methods. We harness the power of the Bioluminescence Resonance Energy Transfer (BRET) technique for the precise quantification of proteins of interest, including, for example, pathogen/host protein pairs. What distinguishes our method is its capability to continuously monitor these interactions in real time within living cells for extended durations. This versatile approach supports a wide array of applications, including PPI validation, time-lapse PPI cell quantification, assessment of affinity in mutant PPI pairs, PPI competition studies, and screening for PPI modulators in drug discovery.