This facility is part of the Institut Pasteur’s Center for Animal Resources and Research.

It produces mice harboring a human immune system (HIS mice) and provide expertise for the possible applications of this model.

HIS mice engrafted with human Hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) are advantageous in vivo models for long-term studies in the field of human immune cells biologyimmune-oncology and infectious disease. They constitute a small animal model in which to analyze potency and safety of new drugs modulating the immune system.

The Biomics Core Facility is the C2RT structure at Institut Pasteur for Next Generation Sequencing and includes both short and long-read technologies.

The Biomics Platform mission is to facilitate scientific discovery within Pasteur Institute’s network and academic research institutes. Biomics accepts both service and collaborative projects and works closely with the C3BI and DSI to provide data analysis solutions and data storage for researchers. Please contact us for pricing and turnaround times. Our website,, allows you to:

Here are some examples of what we propose (Procaryotes, Eukaryotes and Viruses):

  1. Technology: Short-Reads (Illumina), Long-Reads (PacBio & Nanopore)
  2. DNA-Seq: Sequencing de novo and targeted
  3. RNA-Seq: Transcriptomic Analysis
  4. Metagenomic: Targeted sequencing studies (16S, 18S, ITS) or random (Shotgun)
  5. Genotyping (autonomous access)
  6. Bioinformatics: NGS data analysis (RNA-Seq, Variant, Assembly, others…)

Biomics and its staff of experts work hard for the successful and timely processing of all samples and requests.

The platform’s ambition is to develop serological or antigenic in vitro diagnostic test (IVD) as fast as possible, since 2020 for SARS-CoV-2, today for other viral, microbial or parasitic infectious agents, and tomorrow for global health applications on human, animal and environmental samples. The cross-disciplinary talents of our team weave together physics, chemistry, biology and engineering to imagine and design these diagnostic health tests of the future.

Mutualized Platform for Microbiology (P2M) is open to all the reference laboratories of the Institut Pasteur, in Paris and within the Pasteur Network, providing easy access to next generations multi-pathogenic sequencing (Illumina and Ion Torrent technologies).

The Platform was created in 2015 and has extensive experience of multipathogen sequencing.

Results can be downloadable remotly and sequence analysis can be carried out by the HUB bio info of the Institut Pasteur in Paris on request.

The proteomics facility, headed by Mariette Matondo, is part of the Mass Spectrometry for Biology Utechs (MSBio) directed by Julia Chamot-Rooke. The overall objective of the platform is to develop innovative bottom-up proteomics strategies to address protein function, regulation and dynamic interactions, in particular in the context of infectious diseases. Our collaborators benefit from the expertise of the staff, as well as state-of-the-art instrumentation, including the latest generation of high speed, high-resolution mass spectrometers (Orbitrap), and bioinformatics tools. The proteomics analyses provided by the platform include:
• Identification of low abundant proteins in complex biological matrices
• Advanced quantitative proteomic strategies
• Characterization of post-translational modifications (PTMs)
• Analysis and dynamics of protein complexes
• Top-Down Proteomics to identify proteoforms.
• Coming soon : Single cell proteomics
Analyses can be performed either as research collaboration or service. Prior to starting the project, an experimental design is defined, and the staff provides advice on sample preparation. Results are further provided after a bioinformatic analysis of the data.

The nanoimaging core facility focusses on providing high-end cryo-electron microscopy services. We specialize in the three major workflows: single particle analysis (SPA), cryo-electron tomography/cryo focused ion-beam milling and correlative light and electron microscopy (cryo-FIB/cryo-CLEM) and microcrystal electron diffraction (MED). We help users collect their data but also organize many courses to train users to become fully autonomous. Our equipment is state-off-the art fully upgraded to the latest Thermofisher standards.

The collection of Cyanobacteria maintains the collection Pasteur Cultures of Cyanobacteria (PCC), 800 monoclonal pure strains of Cyanobacteria.

This platform is part of the Photonic BioImaging Unit of Technology and Service (UTechS) of the Institut Pasteur