Quality Control Laboratory

Refers to polluant and contaminant analysis.

MALDI-TOF, a mass spectrometry technique used routinely for rapid identification of bacterial strains.

Nanoparticles, Recombinant Protein Production and Nanobodies.

The Institut Pasteur d’Algérie counts the following ressources:

  • Bacterial ressources.
  • Fungi and parasite ressources.
  • Virus and cell-lines ressources.
  • Production & breeding of laboratory animal lines.
  • Insectarium: mosquito maintenance and insecticides testing.

NGS sequencing on Miseq, bioinformatic analysis.

PCRs, Sanger sequencing / NGS sequencing on Miseq, Ion Torrent S5 and Naopore.

Certified ISO 9001
To facilitate and accelerate the scientific discovery for research, clinicians teams. IPT’OMICS works for public and private teams.
Extraction and purification of nucleic acids
Qiacube, Qiagen and QIAxpert System
Concentrator DNA Eppendorf

Quality control of nucleic acids
Qubit 4 Fluorometer, Invitrogen, Bioanalyzer 2100 and Agilent Technologies
Gel electrophoresis
QIAxcel Advanced System and Qiagen

Genome analysis
3500 Series Genetic Analyzers, Applied Biosystems, SureCycler 8800 and Agilent Technologies

Ngs sequencing
ISeq 100-Illumina, Illumina, Bioruptor Sonication System, Diagenode and Oxford Nanopore technologies.

Transcriptome analysis
The LightCycler® 480 System, iScan System and Illumina mini-Ntensfy platform Quantoom-Biosciences.

Thanks to its multidisciplinarity, this laboratory provides a platform for specialized analyzes such as genotyping of resistance to antivirals, genotyping of IL28B, search for mutations in Hereditary Hemochromatosis type 1 (HFE), deficiencies in Alpha anti -trypsin, etc.

L.i1000SR is a multiparametric immunology analyzer capable of performing up to 100 tests per hour.

It utilizes microparticle chemiluminescent immunoassay (CMIA) technology to determine the presence of antigens, antibodies, or analytes in the analyzed samples.