The renewal of the Pasteur Network association’s status as a “non-state actor in official relations” was approved by the WHO’s Executive Board on January 19 to 24, 2022 for 3 years, following the 2019-2021 previous collaboration plan that was submitted in autumn 2018.

The themes of this collaboration are:

  • Promotion of the WHO’s strategy and support of its activities as developed in its 13th General Program of Work programme.
  • Provision of technical support to the WHO, particularly in the event of disease outbreaks, and assistance to countries to strengthen their health systems and capacities, particularly with regard to data access.
  • Provision of training to strengthen countries’ capacities to comply with International Health Regulations (IHR); in the realm of communicable diseases, the association is the legal foundation of the Pasteur Network.

In 2018, the association supported three statements presented at the 71st World Health Assembly, held in Geneva from May 21 to 26, 2018. The first statement supported the program to tackle the global shortage of effective and affordable quality medicines and vaccines and to promote access to them. In the second statement, it expressed its concerns about the achievement of the goals designed to end tuberculosis.

Finally, the last statement supported the vision and objectives set out in the WHO’s new General Program of Work 2019-2023, namely the fight against emerging epidemics and antimicrobial resistance, greater support for research and development, and better access to medicines, vaccines, and diagnostics.

This renewed affiliation highlights the association’s major role in global health and the importance of its relationship with the WHO.

This status entitles Pasteur Network representatives to attend the World Health Assembly and improves the Network’s visibility on issues related to its activities, in line with the previous statements of the past two years.

As part of our collaboration, we are delighted to share the Five keys to improving research costing and pricing in low- and middle-income countries document (the English version will be available soon).

For further information about this partner, visit the official WHO website.