Microscopy Platform

Fiocruz’s Network Technological Platforms.
The Fiocruz Rondônia Microscopy Platform features modern equipment for imaging materials or live biological samples, such as intravital, in vitro, or ex vivo microscopy with fresh or fixed and stained histological sections (including immunofluorescence). These can be analyzed using the available equipment: Nikon Eclipse Ti Confocal Microscope, Nikon Eclipse 80i Fluorescence Microscope, Nikon ECLIPSE Ni-E Brightfield Microscope, and Nikon SMZ18 Stereomicroscope.

This platform is located in FIOCRUZ – Rondônia.

Fiocruz’s Network Technological Platforms
The Microscopy and Image Microanalysis Platform (RPT07E) of the Rene Rachou Institute/FIOCRUZ-Minas includes the following equipment in its infrastructure: an IVIS® Lumina XRMS Series III (Revvity), an Aperio Versa 8 slide scanner (Leica Biosystems), a C2+ Confocal Microscopy (Nikon), and an Axio Observer A.1 Fluorescence Microscopy (Zeiss). Since its implementation, the facility has served institutional research groups, as well as from state and federal research and teaching institutions. Image acquisition and processing, with or without operator assistance, as well as training in the use of equipment can be requested. More details of services can be seen below:

IVIS® Lumina XRMS Series III (Revvity)
P05-031A : Use of equipment with operator (Image acquisition with operator assistance)
P05-031B : Use of equipment without operator (Image acquisition without operator assistance)
P05-031C : Image analysis and processing
P05-031D : Training (Training in the use of equipment)

C2+ Confocal Microscopy (Nikon)
P05-008A : Use of equipment with operator (Image acquisition with operator assistance)
P05-008B : Use of equipment without operator (Image acquisition without operator assistance)
P05-008C : Image analysis and processing
P05-008D : Training (Training in the use of equipment)

Axio Observer A.1 Fluorescence Microscopy (Zeiss)
P05-027A : Image analysis and processing
P05-027B : Use of equipment with operator (Image acquisition with operator assistance)
P05-027C : Use of equipment without operator (Image acquisition without operator assistance)
P05-027D : Training (Training in the use of equipment)

Aperio Versa 8 slide scanner (Leica Biosystems)
P05-030A : Use of equipment (brightfield) with operator (Brightfield image acquisition with operator assistance)
P05-030B : Use of equipment (brightfield) without operator (Brightfield image acquisition without operator assistance)
P05-030C : Use of equipment (fluorescence) with operator (Fluorescence image acquisition with operator assistance)
P05-030D : Use of equipment (fluorescence) without operator (Fluorescence image acquisition without operator assistance)
P05-030E : Training (Training in the use of equipment)

This platform is located in FIOCRUZ – Rio de Janeiro (IOC).

Fiocruz Network Facilities

The Electron Microscopy Facility gives support at sample preparation, training on proper use of instruments related to sample preparation and image acquisition. The FEI Tecnai G2 Spirit Biotwin Transmission Electron Microscope has a resolution of 0.34 nm and operates at a voltage of 20 kV to 120 kV, with options for tungsten (W) or lanthanum hexaboride (LaB6) filament and magnification of up to 300,000x. Equipped with MegaView Olympus 2K and Eagle 4K CCD cameras, as well as FEI’s Tecnai Imaging & Analysis (TIA) image capture software. Enabled for analyzing the ultrastructure of samples in 2D. Also, the JSM-5600LV Scanning Electron Microscope is a conventional high and low vacuum microscope with tungsten (W) filament and equipped with secondary and backscattered electron detectors for topographic analysis of samples. The microscope has a resolution of 5 nm and an acceleration voltage of 0.5-30 kV.

This facility is located at FIOCRUZ – Pernambuco.

Fiocruz’s Network Technological Platforms.

The Carlos Chagas Institute Confocal and Electron Microscopy Platform (ICC/Fiocruz Paraná) (RPT07C) provides high-performance equipment and offers the entire scientific community, in addition to basic optical microscopy, scanning and transmission electron microscopes, as well as confocal and widefield microscopes associated with software for image deconvolution.

The facility plays a crucial institutional role, ensuring easy access to research groups nationwide and fostering scientific collaborations across diverse fields. The platform also offers training courses aimed at equipping individuals to operate both optical and electron microscopy equipment. We have a highly qualified team prepared to assist and train the users.

Our equipment includes a laser confocal microscope, LEICA SP5 AOBS model; an inverted fluorescence optical microscope associated with image deconvolution software, LEICA AF6000 Modular System (DMI6000B microscope); a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), JEOL JSM 6010PLUS-LA model; and a Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM), JEOL JEM-1400Plus model.

Our services encompass sample preparation for electron microscopy, providing access to platform equipment with technical and scientific assistance, and consulting for experimental planning.

This platform is located in FIOCRUZ – Paraná.

Fiocruz Network Facilities

The Fluorescence Microscopy Facility offers image acquisitions on Leica DMi8. This microscope has 5, 10, 20, 40, 63 and 100X objectives with DIC. Fluorescence module with filters and cubes for DAPI, FITC, RHOD and Y5. Stage with adjustable universal support for slides up to 120 mm long and petri dishes with diameters between 20 and 68 mm and support for bottles and culture plates. High sensitivity monochromatic camera for fluorescence and colored camera for bright field modalities. Software for image acquisition and analysis with deconvolution.

This facility is located at FIOCRUZ – Pernambuco.

Fiocruz’s Network Technological Platforms.
The Electronic Microscopy Service (SME) is dedicated to supporting studies in different lines of research, both diagnostic and experimental, in infectious-parasitic, chronic and neoplastic diseases, characterization of pathogens such as viruses, bacteria, protozoa and helminths and their interaction with the host , in the development of vaccines, in the identification of chemotherapy targets and diagnostic tools. Other institutions have also been working on our platform in different areas such as biotechnology, biocomposites and nanomaterials.

The SME provides services, whether as a platform or a service, for the processing, observation and analysis of samples in transmission electron microscopes (MET) and scanning electron microscopes (SEM) and the use of equipment, for observation of different types of samples, in optical microscopy and confocal. Recently, a slide scanner was incorporated, which also received three other multi-user equipment: the laser microdissection device.

This platform is located in FIOCRUZ – Bahia.

Fiocruz’s Network Technological Platforms.

The Microscopy and Image Microanalysis Platform (RPT07E) of the Rene Rachou Institute/FIOCRUZ-Minas includes the following equipment in its infrastructure: an IVIS® Lumina XRMS Series III (Revvity), an Aperio Versa 8 slide scanner (Leica Biosystems), a C2+ Confocal Microscopy (Nikon), and an Axio Observer A.1 Fluorescence Microscopy (Zeiss). Since its implementation, the facility has served institutional research groups, as well as from state and federal research and teaching institutions. Image acquisition and processing, with or without operator assistance, as well as training in the use of equipment can be requested. More details of services can be seen below:

IVIS® Lumina XRMS Series III (Revvity)
P05-031A : Use of equipment with operator (Image acquisition with operator assistance)
P05-031B : Use of equipment without operator (Image acquisition without operator assistance)
P05-031C : Image analysis and processing
P05-031D : Training (Training in the use of equipment)

C2+ Confocal Microscopy (Nikon)
P05-008A : Use of equipment with operator (Image acquisition with operator assistance)
P05-008B : Use of equipment without operator (Image acquisition without operator assistance)
P05-008C : Image analysis and processing
P05-008D : Training (Training in the use of equipment)

Axio Observer A.1 Fluorescence Microscopy (Zeiss)
P05-027A : Image analysis and processing
P05-027B : Use of equipment with operator (Image acquisition with operator assistance)
P05-027C : Use of equipment without operator (Image acquisition without operator assistance)
P05-027D : Training (Training in the use of equipment)

Aperio Versa 8 slide scanner (Leica Biosystems)
P05-030A : Use of equipment (brightfield) with operator (Brightfield image acquisition with operator assistance)
P05-030B : Use of equipment (brightfield) without operator (Brightfield image acquisition without operator assistance)
P05-030C : Use of equipment (fluorescence) with operator (Fluorescence image acquisition with operator assistance)
P05-030D : Use of equipment (fluorescence) without operator (Fluorescence image acquisition without operator assistance)
P05-030E : Training (Training in the use of equipment)

This platform is located in FIOCRUZ – Minas Gerais.

Fiocruz’s Network Technological Platforms.
Leica – LMD6 microscope. This platform is located in FIOCRUZ – Amazonas.

Located in Laval on the INRS – Armand-Frappier Santé Biotechnologie campus, the Electron Microscopy Platform (EM) has been offering you a range of high-quality imaging services since 1963. The platform makes it possible to carry out research using transmission and scanning electron microscopy technologies to meet the needs of universities, scientific communities and health, research or biotechnology industries. In addition to the technical services offered, the EMP allows the training of a high-level succession in life imaging.

The research program aims the discovery of new therapeutic molecules