Previous courses
Back to coursesThe courses presented below were all financed by the Pasteur Network association, legal representative of the Pasteur Network.
Title | Organiser | Network institute | Location |
One Health in Oceania 2023 | Alexandre Bourles | IP Nouvelle Calédonie | Noumea |
Bioinformatique et sequencage Nanopore pour la surveillance génomique de la résistance antimicrobienne portée par les plasmides chez les Enterobactéries | Sylvain Brisse | Institut Pasteur | Paris |
Latest Advances in Genome Editing and Assisted Reproductive Technologies in Laboratory Mice | Martina Crispo | IP Montevideo | Montevideo |
Innovation and Technology Transfer in Biological Sciences and Public Health | Sosanna Kolyva | IP Hellenic | Athens |
Biology of emerging and neglected viral infections in Latin America | Nicolas Sarute | IP Montevideo | Montevideo |
Viruses, Chronic Inflammation and human cancers | Jean-Pierre Vartanian | IP Paris | Rome |
Title | Organiser | Network institute | Location |
Bacteriologie et Sante Publique | M. Lago P. Martin | IP Morocco | Morocco |
Proteome Analysis by Mass Spectrometry | Rosario Duran | IP Montevideo | Uruguay |
Cell Biology Course | Roberto Bruzzone | Centre de Recherche Université de Hong-Kong-Pasteur | China |
Data Analysis using STATA | Yoann Madec | National Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology – Hanoi | Viet Nam |
2nd Workshop on Translational Venomics, Medicine Challenging, Human Envenoming, Issues – Exploring & Exploiting Snake & Scorpion Venoms & Antivenoms | Naoual Oukkache | IP Morocco | Morocco |
The Business of Managing Science: Scientific Management and Leadership Skills for the Network Scientific Research Infrastructures | Spencer Shorte | IP Korea | Korea, Republic of |
Visualisation for Data Science (VIDI) | Fatma Guerfali | IP Tunis | Tunisia |
1st International Course on Molecular Cancer Genetics | Jean-Pierre Vartanian | Institut Pasteur – Fondation Cenci Bolognetti | Italy |
Identification et suivi épidémiologique des résistances aux antibiotiques | Lahcen Wakrim | IP Morocco | Morocco |
Appui des Sciences Sociales dans la préparation et la réponse aux dimensions sociales des épidémies | Chiarella Mattern | IP Madagascar | Madagascar |
Due to the SARS-Covid19 global pandemic, only a few of the accepted courses took place in 2020. All additional courses were postponed and will take place on 2021-22.
Title | Organiser | Network institution | Location |
International Ethical standards applied to biomedical research | Virginie Pirard | IP de Tunis | Tunisia |
Metagenomics and Health | Salsabil Hamdi | IP Maroc | Morocco |
Title | Organiser | Network institution | Location |
Systèmes d’information géographique appliquées à l’épidémiologie : Introduction au QGIS. Analyses multicritères spécialisées : Application en santé. | Fanjasoa Rakotomanana | IP Madagascar | Madagascar |
Vector Insects and Transmission of Pathogen Agents | Anna-Bella Failloux | IP de Laos | Lao People’s Democratic Rep. |
Third International Course on Viruses and Human Cancer | Jean-Pierre Vartanian | Institut Pasteur – Fondation Cenci Bolognetti | Italy |
Workshop on Surveillance and Control of Rabies | Hervé Bourhy Perrine Parize | IP Morocco | Morocco |
Workshop: Genome editing in mammals using crispr tools | M. Crispo A. P. Mulet A. Menchaca G. Schlapp M. N. Meikle | IP Montevideo | Uruguay |
Course: Redox Chemistry and Biology of Thiols Symosium: Thiols Key players in the Redox regulation of Cellular Functions. | M. Comini G. Salinas B. Alvarez M. Trujillo | IP Montevideo | Uruguay |
Title | Organiser | Network institution | Location |
Techniques of Immunology, second edition. | François Huetz | IP Madagascar | Madagascar |
Methodology of Clinical Trials and practical implementation | Gwenaelle Carn | IP Madagascar | Madagascar |
Epidemiology of infections, functional genetics, novel technologies of pathogen diagnostic/discovery, and systems biology of pathogen infections | Fernando Arenzana | IP Shanghai – CAS | China |
10th HKU – Pasteur Immunology Course: Quantitative Immunology | S.Valkenburg R. Bruzzone J. Di Santo | HKU – PRP | China |
Innate immunity and infectious diseases | Daniel Scott | IP Cambodia | Cambodia |
First International Course on Innate immune response to viral infection | Jean-Pierre Vartanian | Institut Pasteur – Fondation Cenci Bolognetti | Italy |
Infectious agents and cancer: from clinic to new biomarkers | E. Touati P. Pineau | IP Morocco | Morocco |
Should you like to know more about a past course, please contact us.