Pasteur Network joins the Grand Challenges network of partners initiative

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Earlier this week, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s #GrandChallenges Annual Meeting took place in Dakar, Senegal, where the RFP “Catalyzing Equitable Artificial Intelligence (AI) Use to Improve Global Health” was launched jointly by several Grand Challenges partners, including the Pasteur Network. This RFP will enable LMICs to take the lead on designing AI solutions for improving community health and well-being.

This opportunity allows for the development of global health and development solutions in Low-and-Middle-Income Countries (LMICs) using AI-enabled large language models (LLMs). The purpose of the Equitable AI for Health in LMICs Call is to help advance the development of robust, locally relevant AI-empowered tools. These tools will expedite decision-making, policy pathways, and implementation by frontline health workers and policymakers.

The initiative is led by GC Brazil, GC India, GC Ethiopia, GC Senegal, GC South Africa, and GC Africa. Support for this initiative is provided by GC Canada, the Patrick J. McGovern Foundation, the Pasteur Network, and the Gates Foundation.

More information:

Read the press release of the Bill & Melinda gates Foundation (10 octobre2023) “Gates Foundation Celebrates 20 Years of “Grand Challenges” With New Investments and a Call to Make R&D Breakthroughs Available More Quickly and Equitably”

Grand Challenges Annual Meeting :


Pasteur Network joins the Grand Challenges network of partners initiative

Pasteur Network